PG&E shut off our power today from 8am to 5pm. I misread the letter they sent us, thought they were doing it Tuesday, so my husband and I had arranged to be out all day Tuesday, but no, it’s today. So we walked over to the IHOP for breakfast, which is practically 2 blocks from our house, which we have never yet eaten at since we moved here. In fact, I think I have been to an IHOP maybe twice in the last 10 years. I just don’t eat at restaurants very often, and that style of restaurant really at all.
HOLY CRAP. The menu is overwhelming. They now print calorie totals on each item. HOLY CRAP. The item with the lowest calorie total on the entire menu is twice what I normally eat for breakfast. And I assure you, nobody goes to IHOP to order the smallest, healthiest option on the menu. I am appalled, agog, aghast at the menu options I saw this morning. People eat like this? Every day? Regularly? More than once a month? As we settled into our booth a couple left and said to the waitress, “See you tomorrow!” WHAT??
A couple at the next booth over ordered “New York Style cheesecake pancakes”. Cheesecake in pancake form – for breakfast! There was something called “carrot cake pancakes”. “Cinnastick pancakes”. Cream cheese-stuffed french toast! These all come with hash browns, eggs, and bacon, and caloric totals that approach more than I need for an entire day.
Good god I’ve been leading a sheltered life, with my eating-at-home proclivities! I was actually somewhat nauseated by this display. Am I being judgy? Good. I can’t even imagine shoveling this kind of apocalyptic gorge-fest of gluttony into my body on a regular basis. People eat this stuff and think it’s normal?
In sum I think I can answer the question that appears to be flummoxing all the health writers and media hand-wringers. I know why America is fat.
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